Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Jesus Branded

Hello Everyone! I'm now in Fort Collins, and very excited to be moved! In fact, I'm sitting in a coffee shop while I write this :).

So one of my favorite places to buy shirts is offering a free one to those who blog about them. Jesus Branded is this incredible site of shirts designed by Jesus people. The clothes have a great message, but are also very artistic - not a combination you often find! I have the Holy Spirit one, and I love it! They are very awesome for starting conversations about Jesus - usually when someone says "I love your shirt".

If ya'll want to check it out, go here.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Back From Camp

Whew, just got back from a week of camp. It was awesome! I actually got to give into the kid's lives this year. Last year I think I was to caught up in what was happening for me . . . this year I got to talk with them and walk through some rough stuff with them. A gigantic privilege!

The speakers where great, and worship was lovely. It was beautiful so see how the kids - and us! - got more and more free in worship as the week went on.

So, pics:

How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news . . .

Friday, June 27, 2008

Sullivan Salutes

An airplane, I think - we were watching Millie leave for Guatemala. He looks so serious!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

New Hair

I got my hair shortened! It has it's layers back now, and is about 5 inches shorter :) Sorry the pictures aren't very good . . .

This is what the back is like:

And the sides

And this is a good pic of the bangs, even though I have a funny look on my face:

Thursday, June 5, 2008

lost, lost, lost

Today I went for a 4 mile walk. And when I got home . . .

I couldn't find my house key.

Aaaah! Frustrating! I got in through a window and found a spare in the car, but I definitely need to leave a spare with somebody.

My walk takes me out in the country a bit, so who knows where my key is :(

Monday, May 26, 2008

One Year Today

Somehow, we still believe that God is good. And that is a little miracle in itself.
We miss him so much.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Friday, May 23, 2008

Exciting Stuffs

Here is a darling little baby hat I just finished for my friend's brand-new baby (who is also darling, by the way):

Yes, the baby is a girl and yes, that is my hand pretending to be a baby's head :). Hope it's not to small . . .

And behind the hat is something much more exciting!

Hurray! It's a drum! And a lovely little one with a nice tone!
Whew, to much happiness for one person . . .

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


I've been thinking about it a lot lately. Strange how you think things will be a certain way "forever". They never will be, and that's a good thing.

This says what I mean better than I can. It's from the blog Indexed.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

And Now, A Story by Sullivan, Age 4

"There was a BIIIG polar bear. And she hit me with her mouth, on my tounge! And then I fainted."

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Cherokee's Laws

Forget Murphy, these are mine:

1. The night you first wear your new scrubs you will get blood/vomit/feces/urine, etc on them.
Same goes for new shoes.

2. Wearing white = major trauma. Or at least a very messy child birth.

3. Never, ever, ever make the following statements: "I hope we have a quiet night", "No one better be in labor", or (worst) "I hope he/she doesn't die on my shift, I just can't handle it tonight".

4. If you have no tie to put your hair up, you will inevitably be involved in some activity requiring it to be out of your face - i.e. messy wound, C-section, etc.

5. The night you put on no makeup and do nothing with your hair, you will care for an attractive guy your age. Don't worry, he did something stupid to get there anyways, you don't want to date him.

6. Your co-workers will always be there to help you, if you are always there to help them.

Ya'll may think I'm crazy, but it's true :)