Saturday, May 26, 2007

A Tongue Lashing

I had a patient last night who was rude to me - all night long. She snapped and yelled and argued. So, to everyone who has ever been or ever will be in the hospital (listen up, everybody!)

Please be nice to your nurse! It costs you nothing to be polite. Yes, we know that pain, sorrow, illness, and confusion might make you not yourself. We understand that, and we'll still take care of you with the utmost skill and compassion. But when the pain is eased and you are resting, remember that we are human too. We feel it when you snap or yell at us. A "thank you" is apprecieated, and a "please" is even nicer.

We nurses are not all-knowing, so don't be angry if we do not know the answer right away. We will find it for you. Also, we are not in charge! Shocking as it is, we are bound by the physician's orders. No, we cannot just give you that medication, we cannot just take out your IV. Yes, we really do have to take your vital signs, we really do have to wake you up. And no, you can't go outside to smoke. Sorry, but hospitals are not about waiting on you or having everything you want. They are about helping you get well.

I guess that is the bottom line. We're here to help heal you, and a little politeness makes the whole process easier on us all.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Humility and a Blogsister

Just looked at that last post and realized it sounds pretty uppity. I really don't think I'm all that - I'm not super smart, just educated enough that the little strip hit home.

I do have a new blogsister that is pretty smart though - Millie Jo Talks just hit the 'net! I've put a link up, for those who want to visit. Millie is a longer poster than me, and probably makes a lot more sense.

One more comic for you - reminds me of my little sister.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Hey - It's Me!!

Sometimes I feel like this Foxtrot comic strip.

The world is not always fair - sometimes those who are more intelligent are rewarded less.

Builds character :)

And quickly teaches us not to tell all we know . . .

Ooops . . .

Sorry folks - I know its been a long time since I posted last.

I've been out of town - a coworker and I went to a larger hospital for some more advanced training in labor and delivery. It was an exhausting three days, especially since we were night-shift girls working days! But we did learn a lot.

At our facility we are compensated a small amount more per hour to work in labor and delivery. Some of our staff think this isn't right, others think it just allows for the greater stress and greater risk to our licenses. What do y'all say?

Later . . . Famous and Not-So-Famous Book review!

Monday, May 7, 2007

Little White Cards

Hey, just wanted to share another of my favorite blogs with ya'll. At the top of the list right now is Indexed, written by a young lady who seems to prefer diagrams to diatribe. Every post is contained on a white index card - hence the name.

Check it out - definitely unique. She gives you some new ways to think about things.

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Dorothy's Twister

Hey all, just a quick note to let you all know about the tornado that hit Greensburg, Kansas last night. I worked and listened to the knews, and it just got sadder all night.

The news is saying that 60% of the town is damaged, but someone who's friend lives there told us that the town is "basically gone". One person is dead for sure, and multiple injuries. And the hospital was hit, so their ability to treat patients wasn't at its best.

I think that is the hardest and easiest part of nursing - when you just do what you must for as long as you can. Even though it's really stressfull, working at your max is also really fulfilling - afterward. And it's easier to let go of the outcome when you've done all you can do.

Please pray for them - the whole town will have to move or rebuild.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Decoration Change

How do ya'll like the new look?

Shoe Phones & Phone Taps

Mrs. Pollifax & James Bond.

Pretty different from each other, huh? Both secret agents. Both "live" exciting lives full of drama. Both serve the good old USA.

Turns out, working for the CIA is hot stuff now days. In fact, they are looking for people to hire. Looks to me like they want normal, intelligent, educated people. Some people do become agents, but they also have openings for more "normal" jobs. Serve your country plus impress your friends...

Maybe you won't get to play cloak-and-dagger, but hey - maybe you will! Check it out:

You definitely want to take the personality quiz, it's funny.

Oh, and if you don't know who Mrs. Pollifax is you're missing out. Run to the library and check out "The Unexpected Mrs. Pollifax" by Dorothy Gilman. Or, buy it to read and release.

More on that next time.