Saturday, May 26, 2007

A Tongue Lashing

I had a patient last night who was rude to me - all night long. She snapped and yelled and argued. So, to everyone who has ever been or ever will be in the hospital (listen up, everybody!)

Please be nice to your nurse! It costs you nothing to be polite. Yes, we know that pain, sorrow, illness, and confusion might make you not yourself. We understand that, and we'll still take care of you with the utmost skill and compassion. But when the pain is eased and you are resting, remember that we are human too. We feel it when you snap or yell at us. A "thank you" is apprecieated, and a "please" is even nicer.

We nurses are not all-knowing, so don't be angry if we do not know the answer right away. We will find it for you. Also, we are not in charge! Shocking as it is, we are bound by the physician's orders. No, we cannot just give you that medication, we cannot just take out your IV. Yes, we really do have to take your vital signs, we really do have to wake you up. And no, you can't go outside to smoke. Sorry, but hospitals are not about waiting on you or having everything you want. They are about helping you get well.

I guess that is the bottom line. We're here to help heal you, and a little politeness makes the whole process easier on us all.

1 comment:

Millie said...

Cher. I wouldn't yell at you! And I just want to say I think that you are in a worse place than the waitress, because patients stick around longer than annoying dine-out-ers. Although some things are out of a waitress' control as well...

I'm sorry your night was rough. Wish I was there to cook you some delicious breakfast before bed. I'd make whatever you wanted.

Love you baby sister. Millie.