Sunday, November 4, 2007

Mosh PIt

I went to a Toby Mac show a few days ago, and now I've got something to say.

So here it is:

No matter what it looks like to others, we worshiped there. Worship happens in the heart, but it flows into words and actions. And there was some pretty exciting, adrenalin-charged worship there. No matter how silly we looked or sounded, God doesn't care. He looks at our hearts.

It was a great experience.

Thursday, October 18, 2007


Here is a website that sells really hip christian t-shirts. We just ordered some. My favorites are "May I pray for You" and "I will Dance for You".

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

new church

Last Sunday I went to a new church.

(Coincidentally, is it cheating to go to a different church? I thought about it and decided that we are both groups of Jesus people, but we focus on different stuff, so it's ok.)

Anyways, this is an assembly of God church, a Pentecostal church. I was raised a Baptist, so this is a little different.

I loved it! Worship was open and spontaneous, and it felt real. They where talking about worship - its actions and purpose - as shown in the Bible! Just like I've been thinking and wondering about. So I think it was really Jesus' plan for me this Sunday. But I'm not sure about all the rest of the Sundays - I don't know how much of this church's message I believe.

They believe in speaking in tongues, healing, etc. Part of me just wants to dismiss some of that, but I think its just because it isn't something I was taught. I don't really know . . . and I know I need to get talking to my buddy Jesus and figure out what He thinks about it.

So, that's where I'm at. Trying to learn from God in his word and from His mouth. Trying to differentiate between what He is telling me and what I've just absorbed from those around me. I think this might take a while, and I think it will be an adventure.

Friday, October 12, 2007


Ok, so I guess I'm a pretty lazy type blogger - hardly ever write, etc. So I'm going to stick with my image and post a link!

I found this really cool worship band (I like 'em, anyways :). It's good to hear music that is directed simply at God, from the perspective of one of His kids.

Monday, October 8, 2007

just thinking . . .

Here is what I've been thinking about lately;

How do you know where (or if) God is sending you? And, how much does it matter that you know, since He can use you anywhere you are?

I just keep thinking that even if I'm doing a good thing, I might be missing out on the best things.

I don't know, and that is tough for me because I like to know to be in control. I think Jesus is teaching me to trust and follow Him, no matter what. I hope I prove a fast learner!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

while you where sleeping . . .

I was:

doing dishes

knitting a hat

answering e-mail

fixing my sister's mp3 player (yes, Mo, it's done:)

doing laundry

playing the guitar

reading a book

studying for a class

and you thought everyone slept at night . . .

Sunday, September 23, 2007

? ? ? ? ?

What is the purpose of worship?

Help! I'm not sure . . .

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

I'll Bet She Wasn't Impressed, Either

Just goes to show that what I've been saying for a while is really true.

There are many people in this world who are very, very stupid!

This guy's last words are going to be "hey everybody, look at this!"

Friday, September 14, 2007


I feel so old!!!!!

My little sister turned 17 today.

I think I may need false teeth and hearing aids soon . . .

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Card Philosophy

I just finished playing solitaire for a ridiculous amount of time. After I finally quit, I was thinking about why I kept playing so long. It was like after I'd invested a certain amount of time into it, it was easier to think that a little more would be OK.

Maybe this happens in our lives - starting something is hard, but the more time and energy you put into it, the easier it is to keep it up. Like living close to God, or exercising, or eating right. It's tough to get going, but it kind once you've put some of yourself into a habit it's harder to stop.

Or something like that. Maybe I'm just lazy and like solitaire . . .

Friday, September 7, 2007

Move Your Feet

I received a letter a few days ago (yes, a real, paper letter! in an envelope!in the mail!!). Anyway, along with it, my friend sent the words to Switchfoot's song "24". I'd never listened to this band before, so I bought the disc tonight and . . .

Wow. They are awesome! Love the songs "24" and "Gone". The whole album is definetly going on the ol' mp3 player.

The song "24" really hit me (guess you know me pretty well, Mel!) It has the line "I am not who I thought I was, 24 hours ago" and "life is not what I thought it was, 24 hours ago". That's how I feel - Jesus is changing me and those around me so fast I can barely keep up!

Anyway, just wanted to share the joy :)

Friday, August 31, 2007


I don't have anything uplifting to say today; only OW!

My finger hurt from playing the guitar! They start to get calluses, but then they start to peel and itch, and it is really gross!

And I guess if this is my biggest problem right now, I should be grateful. :)

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

people and His work

How important are people to God's work? I've just been thinking about this lately. What I'm trying to say is: if we don't do what He asks us to, does it get done?

I'm thinking mostly about the people who where important to me at camp, and other times, in pulling me into Jesus' light. If they hadn't done what He asked them, would I be where I'm at?

I doubt it.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007


Is it possible to wake up more tired than when you went to bed?

Cause I think I did it!


Maybe it's because I'm from the plains, but I love the sky. Day or night, its my favorite piece of scenery. And the folks over at Boing Boing are talking about a new way to look at it.

Google just makes cool stuff.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Ok, Ok

My sister has informed that I either need to post, or let my blog die a natural death.

Ok, already! I'll write something!

What I want to say tonight is this: I hate being on call. I hate the feeling that you might, at any time, have to hurry up and get to work. And if you do, you have to take care of a mom in labor. It's not that I don't like doing labors, they are just high stress.

Ok, that's my rant. On the good side, I can do stuff around the house until I do get called like . . . dum-da-dum . . . Laundry! We finally got that washer and dryer, and it sure has been nice.

Tomorrow I'm going to try to post a picture of my new favorite possession . . .

Friday, August 10, 2007

Made It

Well, I made it through seven days!! Had some powerful prayer warriors on my side :)

I also followed my mother's advice about exercising and eating well - thanks Mom!

I've been struggling with how to put what I've been learning about who I am in Jesus into my reality. The past few days I've had patients who where ill, some who thought they were ill, one who thought she was in labor. Some (a lot, actually) just wanted the perscription drugs a doctor can provide. And one was dying. How do I give Jesus into their lives?

Guess I'm still working on hearing what He has to say on that one.

Friday, August 3, 2007


I just got back to work and found out that I inadvertently allowed myself to be scheduled for seven 12-hr shifts in a row.


The week I just had was definitely worth it, but it's still going to be tough. How do I keep my joy and focus through such fatigue? I guess I'll have to wait and see . . .

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

New Music

New song in my heart, new music in my mp3 player :)

Here is some stuff I just got and have been enjoying a lot:

Toby Mac - all three albums, but especially his new one "portable sounds". I've only just realized that this type of music, which I really enjoy, can also be worship. Toby's got great words, a strong beat, and rap that is just right.

P.O.D. - not sure what I think of 'em yet. A hard sound, more than I'm used to. I have the Greatest Hits album, and all I can say for sure is you have to hear the song "Alive". It's my first dance song :). Awesome.

Barlow Girl - always been interested in them, finally got an album. A little girly, but honest. I like it. Plus, its three sisters singing together, which is cool.

So, two people who read this blog, what do you like? Leave a comment and let me know.

Monday, July 30, 2007


I just looked at my post from yesterday, and it looks like something that would previously have seriously freaked me out if I read it. Maybe that's a good thing!

One thing that has been huge in my life the past few days is the freedom we have in Jesus. I always knew that He could set us free from sin, but what about all the other things He frees us from? I rarely heard it talked about - or maybe I wasn't listening.

So many things keep us in bondage, like fear or doubt. Jesus can free us from that, He can free us from the expectations of others and from our conventions. As for how, I don't really understand it. But I know it's the best thing ever.

Here's my new theme verse:

Galatians 5:1
For freedom Christ has made us free; stand firm, therefore and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.

It is both a gift and a choice.

Sunday, July 29, 2007


I just returned from a week in the mountains, a week of prayer and fellowship and study and communion.

I always wondered what it was like for those who became fully abandoned to Jesus, so much so that they appear completely abnormal, weird, freakish to those outside. And yet we other Christians desire what they have.

I expected it to be difficult, I was sure it would be powerful.

What I wasn't ready for was the Love, overpowering and strong. Trust comes with struggle, and pain, and giving up. But it comes with Love.

Then Joy hits you, so strong and sudden. After the hurt, after the brokeness, is Joy that is complete. No words could do this justice. Even the dancing that broke from me for the first time ever couldn't fully show the glory and power that is God.

Only You, Jesus, could do this for me. Only You.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Sometimes the Answer is so Simple

Every had that feeling that something is wrong, and it turns out to be a marvously simple thing?

Like you're hungry?

I love that! This is like that.

Love it!

Wednesday, June 27, 2007


I just found this really cool site about kites.

I live in a place with not many trees and a lot of wind . . .

Starting to think this looks like a lot of fun!!!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007


Well, in the past couple days I've:

-recorded about eight "events" on my heart monitor

-started to hate having a monitor around my neck :)

-went swimming

-played on a "slip-and-slide" with my little siblings

-started to teach my younger sister to drive

Not a bad life, eh?

Thursday, June 21, 2007


That's the normal heart sound. Lub-Dub. Crisp, regular, and strong. 60 to 100 beats per minute.

Amazing, actually that most of our hearts function for so long without difficulty. They do an incredible amount of work, and never rest. They should be:

Lub-Dub. Lub-Dub. Lub-Dub.

But mine keeps doing this (without purpose, reason, or written notice)

lubdublubdublubdublubdub . . .

Irregular, 120 to 180 beats per minute, and not so strong. And there I am - a little dizzy, out of breath, and sometimes a little scared.

So, now I'm wearing a little box and sticky electrodes to try to capture these brief episode when my heart goes a bit balistic. I'm hoping it'll work, and most of all that it will be easy to fix.

Monday, June 18, 2007


I just discovered a realy cool photo blog. It's called Apparently Nothing, but it's really something (forgive the pun - couldn't help it)

Just click on the pictures.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

The Cost of Hairlessness

Ladies, I've discovered an area where men have a great idea.

They don't shave their legs.

I've just tried an experiment in hair removal - chemical vs. mechanical.

In other words, I shaved one leg and used Nair on the other one.

My chemical leg hurts. And itches. And its red. And bumpy.

I guess this isn't a "better living through chemicals" moment. Oh well, at lest my skin isn't peeling. . .

yet. . .

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Vroom Vroom

I finally got a new car!!!!

God has really shown himself faithful in this situation. I think He was showing of his sense of humor, to! Dad and I had just been talking about borrowing money for a brand new car, something that I just didn't feel right about. I was praying for guidance with it, and a few minutes later Mom calls to tell me that our neighbor was getting a new car.

Sure enough, our surrogate grandmother neighbor traded in her old car, Dad went up to the dealership and bought it. Its an Oldsmobile Eighty-Eight with a little less than 40k on it, and has been really well cared for. Our dear friend never drove much over 70mph, and I know how conscientious she is about maintenance. Plus, this car has the same motor as that little sports car I tried out . . .

So the bottom line is that God gave me just the perfect car at just the perfect time. Isn't He great?

Saturday, May 26, 2007

A Tongue Lashing

I had a patient last night who was rude to me - all night long. She snapped and yelled and argued. So, to everyone who has ever been or ever will be in the hospital (listen up, everybody!)

Please be nice to your nurse! It costs you nothing to be polite. Yes, we know that pain, sorrow, illness, and confusion might make you not yourself. We understand that, and we'll still take care of you with the utmost skill and compassion. But when the pain is eased and you are resting, remember that we are human too. We feel it when you snap or yell at us. A "thank you" is apprecieated, and a "please" is even nicer.

We nurses are not all-knowing, so don't be angry if we do not know the answer right away. We will find it for you. Also, we are not in charge! Shocking as it is, we are bound by the physician's orders. No, we cannot just give you that medication, we cannot just take out your IV. Yes, we really do have to take your vital signs, we really do have to wake you up. And no, you can't go outside to smoke. Sorry, but hospitals are not about waiting on you or having everything you want. They are about helping you get well.

I guess that is the bottom line. We're here to help heal you, and a little politeness makes the whole process easier on us all.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Humility and a Blogsister

Just looked at that last post and realized it sounds pretty uppity. I really don't think I'm all that - I'm not super smart, just educated enough that the little strip hit home.

I do have a new blogsister that is pretty smart though - Millie Jo Talks just hit the 'net! I've put a link up, for those who want to visit. Millie is a longer poster than me, and probably makes a lot more sense.

One more comic for you - reminds me of my little sister.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Hey - It's Me!!

Sometimes I feel like this Foxtrot comic strip.

The world is not always fair - sometimes those who are more intelligent are rewarded less.

Builds character :)

And quickly teaches us not to tell all we know . . .

Ooops . . .

Sorry folks - I know its been a long time since I posted last.

I've been out of town - a coworker and I went to a larger hospital for some more advanced training in labor and delivery. It was an exhausting three days, especially since we were night-shift girls working days! But we did learn a lot.

At our facility we are compensated a small amount more per hour to work in labor and delivery. Some of our staff think this isn't right, others think it just allows for the greater stress and greater risk to our licenses. What do y'all say?

Later . . . Famous and Not-So-Famous Book review!

Monday, May 7, 2007

Little White Cards

Hey, just wanted to share another of my favorite blogs with ya'll. At the top of the list right now is Indexed, written by a young lady who seems to prefer diagrams to diatribe. Every post is contained on a white index card - hence the name.

Check it out - definitely unique. She gives you some new ways to think about things.

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Dorothy's Twister

Hey all, just a quick note to let you all know about the tornado that hit Greensburg, Kansas last night. I worked and listened to the knews, and it just got sadder all night.

The news is saying that 60% of the town is damaged, but someone who's friend lives there told us that the town is "basically gone". One person is dead for sure, and multiple injuries. And the hospital was hit, so their ability to treat patients wasn't at its best.

I think that is the hardest and easiest part of nursing - when you just do what you must for as long as you can. Even though it's really stressfull, working at your max is also really fulfilling - afterward. And it's easier to let go of the outcome when you've done all you can do.

Please pray for them - the whole town will have to move or rebuild.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Decoration Change

How do ya'll like the new look?

Shoe Phones & Phone Taps

Mrs. Pollifax & James Bond.

Pretty different from each other, huh? Both secret agents. Both "live" exciting lives full of drama. Both serve the good old USA.

Turns out, working for the CIA is hot stuff now days. In fact, they are looking for people to hire. Looks to me like they want normal, intelligent, educated people. Some people do become agents, but they also have openings for more "normal" jobs. Serve your country plus impress your friends...

Maybe you won't get to play cloak-and-dagger, but hey - maybe you will! Check it out:

You definitely want to take the personality quiz, it's funny.

Oh, and if you don't know who Mrs. Pollifax is you're missing out. Run to the library and check out "The Unexpected Mrs. Pollifax" by Dorothy Gilman. Or, buy it to read and release.

More on that next time.

Sunday, April 29, 2007


Today I am twenty-two.

I feel old.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Easy Job

I work in a small community hospital. This sort of nursing is supposed to be fairly low-stress.... Anyway, here is my night.

1. One patient, seven patients, then six patients

2. One Fresh post-operative knee replacement who bled two liters out of his drain, has his drain blood re-infused, was transfused of two units donated blood, and had a reaction to Demerol requiring Narcan (antidote)

3. Two confused patients get up by themselves (no one is hurt, thankfully)

4. Two IVs started on: a mentally challenged 30 year old who's already been stuck four times, and a 39 year old heart patient who's been stuck three times.

5. One tornado warning

6. Two hours with all our sick, elderly, confused, and critical patients out in the hall

7. Seven hours of sleep

The sleep wasn't enough.

I love my job, and this is why.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Now I Know

Well, I asked for advice on moving. Now I've moved (mostly) and here's my advice:

1. Ask for help. Enlist your strong family members - Thanks Mom & All!

2. You will need lots windex and paper towels. Lots.

3. Don't live upstairs. All that stuff has to come down, eventually.

4. Wear something beside flip-flops, or you might get a blister. Or, if youre lucky, two!

5. Use this chance to throw / give away all the stuff you don't use. Start a thrift store box.

6. Take comfort in the fact that you will never have to move again.... for a couple years at least...

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Moving Day

Today we move all of our debris to our new home.

Why do we have to have so much stuff, anyway?

I guess moving has its good points. It makes you think, and wonder what is really important to you. Plus, you get rid of things you don't really need (and that are to heavy to move). And, you finally get your house really, really clean.

Say a prayer for our backs, its moving day!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Home Sweet Home

My sister and I have been looking for a house (instead of apartment) for almost six months now. Everyone want to sell intead of rent, for some reason, and we've had a tough time finding a place.

But I think we finally have!

The landlord is a nice older lady. The place is small, but it is clean and affordable. It'll be my first house, and I'm so excited!

For the two people who actually read this blog - what's you're advice on moving?

About Me

Now that I'm going to share my opinions with all of you, I guess you should know something about me.

I'm an RN who just finished school a year ago. I work in a small, community hospital where I do medical/surgical nursing, labor and delivery, and occasionally emergency room. I love the challenges that come with working in a place with limited resources. And I love being a nurse - it's harder than it looks, but more rewarding than many people realize.

My family homeschooled me throughout my childhood, and we are still very close. I have five siblings, four girls and a poor, spoiled boy. We are pretty spread out, the youngest could be my child instead of my brother. I go home to see them as much as I can.

I am an unashamed, bible-thumping, politically incorrect Christian. Jesus is my savior and the leader of my life. As a result, I think I may start a list of people and groups I've offended here on Cherokee Girl - hmmm, I could start with non-Christians, public school advocates...

Well, that is about it about me. Stay tuned for scathing commentary on things you didn't know you needed to know.


Hurray!! I have my own blog!! I'm so excited!

Oh yeah, now I have to think of something to say...