Thursday, June 7, 2007

Vroom Vroom

I finally got a new car!!!!

God has really shown himself faithful in this situation. I think He was showing of his sense of humor, to! Dad and I had just been talking about borrowing money for a brand new car, something that I just didn't feel right about. I was praying for guidance with it, and a few minutes later Mom calls to tell me that our neighbor was getting a new car.

Sure enough, our surrogate grandmother neighbor traded in her old car, Dad went up to the dealership and bought it. Its an Oldsmobile Eighty-Eight with a little less than 40k on it, and has been really well cared for. Our dear friend never drove much over 70mph, and I know how conscientious she is about maintenance. Plus, this car has the same motor as that little sports car I tried out . . .

So the bottom line is that God gave me just the perfect car at just the perfect time. Isn't He great?


Millie said...

Yes, Keke, He is!!!

Love and miss you. Mils

Millie said...

Yes, KeeKee, He is!!

Love and miss you,
