Saturday, June 9, 2007

The Cost of Hairlessness

Ladies, I've discovered an area where men have a great idea.

They don't shave their legs.

I've just tried an experiment in hair removal - chemical vs. mechanical.

In other words, I shaved one leg and used Nair on the other one.

My chemical leg hurts. And itches. And its red. And bumpy.

I guess this isn't a "better living through chemicals" moment. Oh well, at lest my skin isn't peeling. . .

yet. . .

1 comment:

Millie said...

Ah. We should have suspected as much...with your history of allergies. At least you aren't using a face wash that makes your skin sting and feel like pins and needles. Once was enough for me with that stuff! Can't wait to see you tomorrow! I'm staying till Wed., if that's OK.
