Friday, September 7, 2007

Move Your Feet

I received a letter a few days ago (yes, a real, paper letter! in an envelope!in the mail!!). Anyway, along with it, my friend sent the words to Switchfoot's song "24". I'd never listened to this band before, so I bought the disc tonight and . . .

Wow. They are awesome! Love the songs "24" and "Gone". The whole album is definetly going on the ol' mp3 player.

The song "24" really hit me (guess you know me pretty well, Mel!) It has the line "I am not who I thought I was, 24 hours ago" and "life is not what I thought it was, 24 hours ago". That's how I feel - Jesus is changing me and those around me so fast I can barely keep up!

Anyway, just wanted to share the joy :)


Anonymous said...

glad you liked the song and the paper.You are such an encouragment!why move your feet?

Indian Dove said...

move your feet cause there name is switchfoot . . . I was just being silly :)